Let's Party!
"Let's Party!", 8 x 10, artists gouache, pigma pens on canson paper.
Here's a quote that I've been thinking about lately,
"Spring is nature's way of saying 'Let's Party!'"
After the winter we've experienced in New England this year I feel I speak for many when I say that the sight of a crocus sprout peeking through dirt makes me want to sing out and dance! Oh spring, old friend! I've been waiting for you! That's what this post and art is all about.
It's March 20, the Spring Equinox. The seasons have turned, and just in time because I've had enough ice, snow, wind, sleet and polar vortexes to last a long, long time. I even dreamt last night that I heard a door slamming as winter was ushered out. It was wonderful! Let's hope it doesn't rear it's ugly head again until next December, just in time for a light dusting on Christmas Eve. Don't get me wrong, winter has it's benefits. It's pretty. It's white and glistening with an occasional brave bright red cardinal as an accent. Energetic folks ski, snowshoe, sled and skate through nature's glimmering amusement park. It's inspiring… for a month. Then it becomes a monotonous state of grey, grey skies, grey old snow, grey looking legs that I have not shaved in months. I know I'm not the only one! I long to see some color. If I wanted to immerse myself in fifty shades of grey I'd read the book!
Winter has had it's fun. I have to admit that snuggling in my chair under a blanket with hot tea was nice, but I need a change. I need to be able to see over the mountains of snow that still lurk in my driveway. I know there were crocus' and tulips back there. I hope they're okay. I hope the rabbits living under the bushes will have some young ones, and that there will be enough dandelions to feed them. I long to see the nest outside my porch filled with new baby robins, stretching and singing to whoever will listen, "we're here!"
So yes, let's party! Let the season breathe new life into every living thing. Let mother nature get out her paints and color us all happy. I know winter will try to sneak in a few more punches, but every day the sun makes me a little stronger. And every time I see another sprout peeking out, I know there's hope. Spring is here!
Thanks for looking,